Webpage of "Vietman Veterans of America"
Post 7 Activities for Vietman Veterans
--> Vietnam Veterans Meeting <--
-- Brothers --
We meet every Tuesday from 10 am to noon at the American Legion Crownsville
--– 1905 Crownsville Road, Annapolis, MD ---
You are all welcome. Please come visit.
If you cannot come to the meeting, you will now be able to call in.
Call me at 301-717-0998, during the meeting, and you will be connected.
You can also call anyone in the meeting and be connected.
Some links to various medical problem sites
Various Stories of Veterans Military Experience
Vietnam Facebook Pages
Free Event Tickets for Vietnam Vets
Vet Tix secures tickets to sporting events, concerts, performing arts, educational and family activities
across the nation. VetTixers sign up online. We verify their service. VetTixers request tickets
to events that interest them, then pay a small delivery fee to receive their free tickets.