Guy C. Parlett Post 7 Department of Maryland
Commander Robert Wayland
A Message from the Commander:
Commander’s Corner, August, 2023
I want to acknowledge and thank the out-going Commander, Wil Wagner. I’m sure he will continue to provide experience and guidance to Post 7 as we transition to a new year of leadership. I also want to congratulate the in-coming officers, some are new faces and some are continuing to perform their highly successful functions keeping the Post afloat.
The results of the election are below:
Commander: Robert (Bob) Wayland
1st Vice Commander: Frank Huebner
2nd Vice Commander: Jason O’Neil
3rd Vice Commander: Gary Rasicot
Adjutant: Ben Miles
Finance Officer: Larry Morrison
Service Officer: Open Position
Judge Advocate: Cynthia Campise
Chaplin: Vince Merlino
Sgt at Arms: James (Vic) Ryan
Historian: Jim Sabisch
Exec Com 1st: John Ogle
Exec Com 2nd: Bill Branham
As we move into a new cycle the following significant issues face us:
• Membership - This needs our focus for the coming year. Post 7 has an aging membership and needs to attract newer/younger veterans. We must address their wants/needs and entertainment preferences (while maintaining American Legion Post decorum and house rules). The American Legion offers veterans and their families:
o camaraderie with fellow vets
o a safe entertainment venue
o a place the vet can get help
Send me your ideas to bring in new veteran members.
• Building/Facility - Post facilities and equipment continue to age requiring increased upkeep, repair and improvements. Post 7 recently had the kitchen area cleaned and sanitized. Leadership is also obtaining estimates for the following:
o Resurfacing the tile floors in the main hall and passageway
o Improving/updating the security system
o Replacing the bingo machine and board
o Replacing the ceiling tiles
Post 7 is privileged to sponsor Boy Scout Troop 396 -
Boys Scouts of America (BSA) Troop 396 is the oldest continuously operating troop in Annapolis and The River Hawk District, in existence since 1943. In addition, BSA Girl Troop 396 was founded in 2019 and was one of the first Girl Troops in Annapolis. This summer, 8 scouts and 4 advisors spent ten days at the Philmont Camp in New Mexico where they successfully climbed a 12,000-foot peak and earned a number of merit badges along the trails
In the post grove you will notice a brick and stone fire-pit being constructed. Second Vice Commander Jason O’Neil is working with BSA Scout Alex Jordan on his Eagle project designing and constructing the fire-pit. Post 7 will use the structure for the burning of flags and hot dogs. The entire project is being completed with the generous support from our local Home Depot Hardware Store which provided a $4,500.00 grant for materials and labor toward fire-pit construction.
American Legion League Baseball -
Post 7 had a very successful season sponsoring 4 teams: 1 Sandlot, 2 Junior and 1 Senior Team. The records were incredibly even with each team winning one-half of their games. But the key was to use the sandlot and junior teams to build players for next year's senior season. Post 7 had two players selected for the all-stars team, they were ready to play but the game was cancelled due to inclement weather. Next year Post 7 will actively pursue holding the state championship in Annapolis.
American Legion Bingo -
Post 7 is again hosting weekly bingo every Thursday in our main hall. Doors open at 5pm and early-bird games start at 6:45pm. Admission packet is $40.00, which includes a 12-card game packet, early-bird game packet and both quickie game cards. Support by playing or volunteering.
Viet Nam Veteran’s Group Meeting -
Post 7 is continuing to support and host a weekly self-help group of Viet Nam Veterans still suffering from the ravages of combat. This growing group of heroes assist each other through open discussion in overcoming significant emotional issues. The meetings are open to all Viet Nam Veterans, they meet in the Post 7 main hall at 9:30am each Tuesday morning. Just show up.
Cannabis Use in Maryland -
As of July 1st 2023, the private use of cannabis products has been legalized in the state of Maryland. According to state law individuals age 21 and older are allowed to partake in the use of cannabis at private residences/homes. However, still outlawed is the use of cannabis product in public places (including automobiles). Therefore, in accordance with state law and Maryland American Legion directive, the use of any cannabis products on Post 7 property is strictly prohibited. The property definition being building facility, grove and parking lot and automobiles parked in the lot.
Upcoming Events- Time/date TBD
• SAL Sunday Brunch
• Octoberfest- Special food and drink
• Christmas Eggnog Party
• New Year’s Eve Party
• Fall Cleanup of facility and grove- October timeframe, volunteers are needed
Communication volunteers -
Post 7 is in need of communication committee personnel. Members will be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of the post web page, developing and issuing a post newsletter, and email correspondence to membership. If interested contact the post commander, admin or adjutant.
Membership volunteer –
Post 7 is also in need of a legionnaire to step up and assist with membership. Job entails collecting dues, screening/maintaining membership records and database, reporting to leadership, and issuing membership cards. If interested contact the post commander, admin or adjutant.
Finally, I want to thank all the staff, officers and legionnaires that continue to make my job enjoyable. Your support and professionalism is essential in maintaining and improving the functions of supporting the veteran community. I look forward to working with the SAL and Auxiliary in striving to make our post the best in Maryland.